In September 2020, the Global Enteral Device Supplier Association (GEDSA) released a revised conversion schedule indicating that member manufacturers will phase out legacy enteral feeding products and transition adapters. This transition will meet ISO standard 80369-3, commonly referred to as ENFit®.
As a member of GEDSA, Moog supports the ENFit initiative and we are committed to removing the transitional connector from our products so that they are ENFit-only compatible. This transition is in process, and Moog is currently only manufacturing ENFit-only compatible enteral delivery sets.
Moog recently sent a letter to its customers providing updated information on this transition. In this letter, Moog provided the following information:
“With this transition, Moog is changing its enteral set product code part numbers. Attachment A below includes a crosswalk of current ENFit product codes with transitional connectors to the new ENFit-only codes without transitional connectors. You will note that the only difference in the product codes is the change from a “-A” (Adapter) suffix to a “-E” (ENFit only) suffix. As “-A” product inventories are depleted, we will fulfill orders with the new “-E” codes.”
Moog also provided an update to our anticipated availability for each product code, and announced the availability of a separately packaged transitional connector that can accommodate patients with non-ENFit feeding tubes as they are transitioned to ENFit feeding tubes.
The full letter can be read here. Please contact Moog Medical’s customer service team with any questions that you may have.